.... for three hours no less
1.Because I was so bored that I called everyone I had ever known.Friends I hadn't been in touch with,people I'd lost my way with.At one point I actually scrolled down my phonebook to remember.And also 'How gorgeous is this weather' is a no-complications conversation starter
2.Because after 24 years,and three hours of being stuck on a jam packed,flooded road..I have finally figured out my favourite rain song.It's 'Tip Tip Barsa' from Mohra.Its spunky,hot,vibrant and ghaati at the same time.Everything I love...
3.Because I finally got to try what I'd often heard of but never tried entity called 'me time'..Retrospecting on me,my life,my choices...and then some more of me,my life to come and choices I have to make.. Something I've been wanting to do for a while now.And it lasted all of 5 minutes :)
4.Because its a sin not to dance in the rain.So with a conked off music system and rain playing beautiful music I had no choice but to prance around on the flyover.People stare,of course they do,but tell me when do they not.Might as well give them something to stare at (not a good idea if you're wearing white though)
5.Because If there was ever a time that god deemed that everyone is equal,that time was now.It was made clear on the nehru place flyover where I remained stationery for an hour.It didn't matter if you're the proud owner of a lambourghini or a hardly there Zen(moi)...they got stuck,we got stuck and a sticky time was had by all
6.Because I became a mini tiny celebrity.Working in tv I have always asked the questions,been the interviewer..but this time I was the interviewee..and was giving my oh so valuable inputs,well I think so (so what if it was a traffic report)
7.Because its only at these times that I enjoy cars splashing water on me.You see they really had no other option.And me,well maybe I shouldn't have been standing on that road.
8.Because staying hungry for three hours you dream and die for hot food,good food,any food..and even that anything at the end of it tastes divine
9.Because earlier in the evening I was called 'melodramatic'.Didn't like it much but while listening to the gorgeous sound of the rain pittering pattering down, I realised its hindi translation is 'dramebaaz'.Now that I think about it..if an entertainment correspondent won't eat,live and breathe drama..then baby who ever will????
10.Because I got a chance to write this....Ten reasons why I loved being stuck in the rain
It's called Lamborghini. The motoring me wants to bash you up. ;-)
ReplyDeleteBut the 'perfectionist' me is grateful that you corrected the typo..
And then who knows maybe it was just to get your 'motoring' attention